
Planet Ohmygodaventiseatingmyslipper

Hey guys! I'm quickly popping in, I should be studying geography but I thought that I would take a break and write a quick post.

(Note: This post is absolutely and completely random. If anything, it's more for me to look back on and laugh at, but you're more than welcome to be in on the joke too)

To me it seems that most msn conversations go like this:
Person 1: *sees someone has signed in & initiates a conversation* "Hey"
Person 2: "Hey"
Person 1: "What's up?"
Person 2: "Not too much" *pause* "You?"
Person 1: "Same"
*awkward msn silences ensues*
Person 1: *After several minutes* "So... How about the weather .. Erh.. I mean, I g2g."

You know if you start talking about the weather you are so far beyond doomed it is just best if close the conversation and step away from the computer so you don't damage your reputation more than you already have - if that's even possible.

In today's society weather is like the lowest common denominator. *Raises eyebrow*

I do believe that most normal people will agree with me: this tends to be the norm for msn conversations unless one of the parties need something, then the conversation is basically the same with a more needy tone and is dragged on longer.

However, as you probably know if you read the title (and who doesn't read the title?!), my msn conversations are pretty much the opposite.

Last night I was supposed to be preparing for my co-op examination. Of course, those who know me know that I am the biggest procrastinator in this world, perhaps even this universe. So naturally, I'm on msn talking to anyone who will respond. Below, in screenshots, is just an example of one conversation I had, out of several.

(Please note that names are blacked out for privacy: I'm the person with the black writing, and my friend's is the purple. Click on the pictures to enlarge - please don't strain your pretty little eyeballs: I would hate to be responsible for making you blind, especially with something as stupid as this).

LOL ... And that is what I do when I'm bored/procrastinating.

Damn, I'm cool.

On a side note, I really am from planet Ohmygodaventiseatingmyslipper, but I'm going to ask you to keep that quiet. I really don't want to be kidnapped and stuck in a government lab and then prodded at with *insert a scientifical word here*.

Man, my brain is not working today.

1 comment:

Isa said...

That is just too funny! xD haha!