
Writer's Block Sucks Balls

Yep, I'm still suffering from it. However, my once wise (not so much anymore) writer's craft teacher, hereafter known as BTz, said that the best way to combat this ever prevalent problem in my life is just to write about nothing. Just ramble on and on: write what first comes to your head, and let the tangents flow.

This is what I am now going to attempt to do. I apologize for the sheer ludicrousness and incoherent rambles that you are about to read - I'm forbidding myself to hit the delete key and I'm posting this no matter what, in the end, is written. I am at my wits end right now; I must be, I'm taking BTz's advice. I know he is a teach and all, but he gives ... strange advice to say in the least. Funny, but strange - much like him.

So this morning I was bored, and therefore dicking around and being stupid in general. I put an old frosting cap on my head and played with an idea. On a side note, if you don't have any clue what a frosting cap is, you're probably a dude, or a child, or a llama ... in the case of a dude, look it up if you're just absolutely dying to know what it is. If you're a child, why are you reading this blog?! Where are your parents?! Where is your non-existent life?! If you're a llama, rock on dude, I'm jealous mon. Anyway, I once again am tempted to dye my hair, although ... I don't know, I keep flipping back and forth between my decision. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared to dye my hair: god knows I've done it loads of times before. Probably more than most, and not just regular colours, but weird ones: purple, blue, pink, brown, orange, red, blonde - and I'm not just talking streaks ... I'm talking my whole head.

Yeah, I was in the hospital when I had my purple hair (for an operation regarding my head) and it was painful right? Like, come on, slicing your head open equals automatic pain, unless you're like ... superman or something. And I highly doubt you are superman (sorry!). Anyway, I wake up from the operation and the nurse kept telling me how much she liked my hair. I can't blame her or anything, I mean, it WAS cool; I just didn't necessarily want to hear it right when I thought I would die of dizziness and pain all rolled into one. And I didn't want to hear it like 5 times in a half hour, I got it the first time thanks (although I was a little loopy, so maybe I didn't get it the first time).

Oh, speaking of, I was on morphine though - damn babe, that's some powerful stuff, you know? Apparently I kept seeing Barney, and then I would cry when he wouldn't hug me. I DON'T LIKE BARNEY - he gives me the heebie jeebies, so I have no idea where that behaviour came from. And apparently I was talking a lot and yelling at the nurse because I thought she was plotting against me to take my food away. Yeah, I don't remember this part but my parents told me afterward. I curse them for not bringing a video camera because ... I would have paid to see this. Make a note: if you know someone who is going under morphine, video tape them - you will, most likely that is - unless the person is the most boring person alive, not regret it!

Oh, and speaking of video cameras, I stumbled across this old home video in my computer files and it's hilarious. I look like crap of course, it was taken in the summer where my personal appearance decreases greatly, and I just had a blue ring pop, but it's more about what I'm doing in this video: demonstrating the laws of physics. He he. Maybe I'll have to show it to you ... It's embarrassing though because I look like such a ditz on the account that I won't stop laughing. I blame it on the ring pop I had prior. Sugar just does weird things to me.

Oh what the heck, take a look see. And do not laugh. Stop laughing. Oh, you're going to laugh - whatever - a laugh a day keeps the doctor away ... or maybe that's something else?

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