
"Did You Barf in my Urn?"

Hey guys, it's me. Sorry for the lack of written posts as of late, the job is just killer and yada yada yada. I swear, when I get home I literally collapse on to my couch and have mini Arrested Development-athons (love that show, highly recommend it).

Uh, not too much is new - remind me to type out an embarrassing story later (sometime in August after I stop working that is). I had forgotten all about it until I told a friend today, but really, I don't know how I forgot all about it as it's quite ... hilarious - if you're not me that is.

So many embarrassing things happen to me, but I guess that I bring it on myself sometimes - my theory is it's the universe trying to balance my ultra-coolness, since my ultra-coolness isn't really fair to other people, you know?

It's hard work being this cool though - every night before I go to bed I eat 20 cubes of ice (so the literal coolness will turn into the figurative coolness). Whaaa? You don't believe this works? I hate to prove it to you, but it's a scientifically proven fact yo! Just go look it up.

Yeah, that's right, go!

How else can you even begin to explain my coolness? That's right, you can't. Boo-yah!

Ok, so, I'm definitely tired and not even coherent at this point. Anyway, I got a little off topic/track there, the point of this post was supposed to be simply don't fret, I'll post my regular stuff again soon.

On the plus side, I got my first paycheque - almost worth it. Haha, I said almost; the combination of sunscreen and bugs and corn plants are wreaking havoc on my arms, legs and face: I have little red, and itchy might I add, bumps all over me. I look like ... I don't know, something that has loads of little red bumps, and some not so little red bumps.

Oh, also, I have this cut on my face. Where from? Work. Yep, that's right. I cut myself on a corn leaf a few days ago.

How does one do this? I do not know. You thought it was impossible? As did I my friend, as did I. I guess I just defy the impossible left right and centre (again, one could argue, it could be an attempt to balance out the ultracoolness that is my persona).

It's 10 though, and I'm exhausted so peace!

Ps. The title is my all time favourite movie quote, from Juno. Which is odd because I'm not a huge fan of that movie. The quote, nonetheless, has everything you could ask for: humour, mystery, love, hate, etc.

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