

Surveys are always fun to look back after a few years, just to see how much you've changed as a person, and to occasionally ask yourself what you were smoking at the time, etc. However, without further ado, me very own survey for your entertainment, if you wish, but mostly mine!

50 Questions To Really Get To Know Someone
1) Are you a morning or night person?Oddly I'm both, afternoon is the drag for me - if I can I nap! I do my best thinking in the morning, and my best writing at night :)
2) Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?Sweet, hands down; I have a sweet tooth like no other
3) Ninjas or pirates?Pirates
4) Ninjas vs pirates, discuss.I think we can all agree that a pirate-ninja would be the coolest thing ever!
5) Autobots or Decepticons?Autobots
6) What was your favorite childhood television program?Some cartoon on YTV, I don't remember the name (oh yea, it blew me away obviously ;))
7) Are you a collector of anything?Quotes
8) If you could be any animal, what would you be?Kangaroo
9) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?Ability to change into anything
10) What is usually your first thought when you wake up?If I'm tired: 'Why?!', If I'm not: 'I wonder if I have any email'
11) What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?I daydream haha
12) What's your favorite color?Purple
13) What's your favorite animal?Puppy dogs :)
14) Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?Do you know how big this universe is?! If we're here, how can we not believe that?
15) Do you believe in ghosts?Nope.
16) Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)?Yes! The Sims - I had a Sims craze for the longest time, it was bad.
17) You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?Travels
18) Have any bad habits?I grind my teeth a lot.
19) Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy?Chewing your hair and nails
20) List 3 of your best personality traits:Humour, intelligence, 'sweetness' - other people's words, not mine
21) List 3 of your worst personality traits:Hard to approach (apparently), a little too anal at times, procrastination galore
22) Have any celebrity crushes?Casey Affleck, Victor Lang from Desperate Housewives ;)
23) List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself:I wish my teeth were nicer
24) Any tattoos or piercings?Ears ... for now, mwah ha ha
25) What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?Confidence
26) What personality traits do you look for in a partner?Confidence, intelligence, trustworthiness, honesty, humour
27) What personality traits do you dislike in other people?Snob, ignorant, rude
28) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years?Nope haha
29) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?Clean
30) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?Finland, or Denmark
31) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?Denmark, Spain, Italy, Greece, Australia, Africa, England
32) List 5 goals on your life's to-do list:Write a novel, go skydiving, live on the streets, rob a bank, own a home that is sustainable
33) Name 1 regret you have:That's too personal - soz
34) Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid:Nap time - enough said!
35) Name 1 thing you love about being an adult:Freedom! Or the idea of freedom at least.
36) What's your favorite song of the moment?Errh ----
37) What's your favorite song of all time?Josephine
38) What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?PARTY! Just kidding, I don't know - depends on the season
39) What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?Read
40) Have any hidden talents?I can do a mad sudoku
41) You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal?DQ Icecream Cake - no lie
42) What would be your dream job?Writer :)
43) Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?100 million dollars - does that make me a bad person?
44) If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?Happiness for the rest of my life, ability to travel for the rest of my life, world peace
45) Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why?Yes ... They don't get periods and all the lovely stuff that comes along with them
46) Name 1 thing not many people know about you:I was supposed to be born on November 1st
47) If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?Evangeline
48) Do you believe in the afterlife?No!
49) On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies?I generally don't like cookies.
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