
So at the risk of deeply embarassing myself...

Well .. that is, more than I already have of course, I thought I would post a really old picture of myself and a friend (for anonymity's sake I'll call this friend Nelly). The picture itself is quite hilarious, and every time I look at it I can't help but a) giggle and b) ask myself what I was thinking (oh, I believe the answer to that would simply be that I wasn't, or more accurately, we weren't).

Nelly was my childhood best friend, and as a result of that, we got in to loads of shenanigans together (and I mean just absolute buckets of shenanigans!). I'm actually quite surprised that she hasn't been mentioned in a previous story because I sure do have a lot that star her and myself: Oh the things we have done! Sometimes I look back on them and just laugh and laugh for hours.

You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? I would think that for the one that I am about to show you, that is entirely true. In fact, it might even be worth a thousand and one words :o!

Without further ado:

Wow right? Haha.

Nelly and I were basically two cogs from the same clock: the same stupidly weird clock that is. We were both extremely hyperactive with overactive imaginations (really, not a good combination, especially for teachers). As a result, one of our favourite things to do at sleepovers and such was to play dress-up. Oh, our sleepovers were always epic and ... my god, I have so many funny stories about our sleepovers alone to tell.

Anyway, this picture was taken at one of our sleepovers. We were bored so we decided to dress-up as princesses and models, do our makeup and etc.

I know, that picture doesn't look very princessy or modelly for that matter, but that was our original intention (swear)!

You see, he dressing up part was good: we had all these old ballgowns of my mom's. It all went downhill when we put the makeup on.

Basically what had happened was then, for some unknown reason, - possibly because we were not experts at applying makeup (I know, it's hard to fathom that by looking at our lovely skills showcased above) - the theme of our dress-up session changed from princess/models to ... hmm, I don't know what to call it exactly: perhaps Rocker-Biker-Delinquent-Chic?

I know, I was SO cool! (Be jealous, be extremely jealous!)

So why show this to you?

The next - or close to next - post, that is "Ketchup and Mustard part dos", features her and I thought that since a picture is worth a thousand words, why not show you this so you can get an understanding of our innate personalities? Not only that, but I'll probably just have to tell you all the other stupid - but utterly hilarious - things that we've done and I've always liked having a face to match to the characters in stories - no matter how ridiculous that face may be.


PS. If you're wondering, I'm on the left and Nelly's on the not-left (or, as I hoped you have deduced, the right)

PPS. Warning: You may or may not, depending on my mood really, seriously regret it if you ever make fun of me for my amazing makeup application skills. Ok? I may just have to smother you with lipstick galore and take your picture if you do so. :)

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